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Chelsea Moore

If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?

  • Mochi Balls

What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?

  • Listen to your parents and their counsel. They love you and see things that you don’t.

  • Realize the influence you have on people and make the best use of your time. People are hurting and you can be there to encourage them, listen, and support them.

Who Is Someone You Admire and What Qualities Do You Admire?

  • My High School Youth Pastor’s wife. She is a great mom, who takes care of three kids under the age of three. She is nurturing and speaks to her children in a nurturing way. Something I respect about here and her husband is that they know how they are going to raise their kids, and stick to it. Really it seems like she always has it all together. She has a very patient spirit and is a strong, yet simple women. She also has a very real relationship with the Lord.

Do You Have Anything Special That Your Family Does?

  • We pray together every Sunday night when everyone is home. It is a time to know what is going on in each other’s life and be able to pray.

What Is The Best Date You Have Ever Been On?

  • My first date with my current boyfriend was in SLO. It consisted of driving up the 101 on a foggy and rainy day, eating Greek food, and going to a drive in movie.

What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?

  • Someone with similar passions, whether that is: hobbies, career paths, similar goals, etc. It doesn’t have to be the same thing, but something that is compatible so we can support each other in that.

  • Someone who will protect me in all aspect, not just physically. It is important that emotionally and spiritually they do as well.

  • I think it is important that the person ids FUN and they will never burn out. When I’m older, I still want to be laughing with my husband and enjoying the time that we get to spend together.

  • I admire people who are consistent. No matter what context they are in, they stick true to their character and what they stand for. They don’t change based on the people they are with or the environment they are in.

  • Accepting of me, in all ways no matter the circumstances.

  • Always seeks the Lord before anyone else and before me.

  • Someone who is encouraging and supports me.

What Is Your Favorite Movie and Book?

  • Movie: About Time. It is the best rom com ever. It has a cheesy plot but Rachel McAdams is awesome. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I love World War Two movies.

  • The Good Lie is another great movie. It tells the story of a few refugees that got to come to America. It is just neat to watch their transition. It is funny but heart breaking. It also resonates with our family a little bit, because I have an adopted brother. I got to watch what it looks like to transition to America from a different country firsthand.

  • Book: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. It addressed a lot of things that were running through my mind for years.

What Have You Been Learning Recently?

  • To not get discouraged when someone shoots down my ability. I’m a really secure person in who I am, but it’s hard to put myself out there. Therefore, when someone makes a joke or doesn’t believe in me, it really hurts and I no longer want to do the things that I love to do.

Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?

  • My mom and dad. They love each other and me and my brothers so much. This love love has overflowed into every aspect of our lives. They diligently love the Lord and serve Him in all that they do. There were a few rough years in High school when I wasn’t making the best choices, yet my parents covered me in prayer consistently. They raised me so well and created such a strong foundation for my upbringing.

If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For A Day, Who Would It Be?

  • A professional big wave surfer. It would be insane to experience the feeling of fame and such an intense adrenaline in the water.

What Do You Love and Lose Track of Time Doing?

  • Surfing

  • Taking time to get to know someone who is closed off and break down his or her walls.

  • Creating for someone, whether that be art, flower projects, or food.

What Makes You Feel The Most Loved?

  • When someone is really attentive to my interests

  • When people listen with the intent to understand and remember.

  • When someone asks me valuable and intentional questions to either validate my feelings or help me navigate what I’m feeling.

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