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Meagan Bare

If You Could Be Any Ice Cream Topping What Would You Be?

  • Cookie Dough. Who doesn’t want cookies and ice cream together?

What Would You Consider A Perfect Date?

  • “That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.”

What Is Your Favorite Movie and Book?

  • Movie: The Blindside. I love Sandra Bullock. I also really love true stories that are about family.

  • Book: The Hiding Place. My sister and I both like it because did a duo on it together for speech and debate. We had to embody the character and know them so well as if we were in their situation. It was special to put your self in their shoes and imagine how hard it was to go through that.

What Do You Look For Most In A Spouse?

  • Most importantly, he has to be wholeheartedly pursuing God.

  • I like guys who are outgoing and have a good sense of humor.

  • He has to love kids.

  • Someone who is caring towards others.

  • I look for someone who has a heart for missions.

  • I really want him to be a strong leader.

  • Also a family oriented man.

  • I’d prefer him to be somewhat athletic…so he can play with my dad and have something in common with him.

What Is Your Favorite Sports Team And Athlete?

  • The New York Yankees. I was born and raised a fan.

  • Derek Jeter. He is a retired Yankee’s shortstop. My dad loves him so much and I love whatever my dad loves. We actually named our dog after him as well.

Is There Something You Have Dreamed Of Doing For A Long Time?

  • I would love to go to Africa on a Missions trip and possibly be a missionary there one day. Another dream of mine is to adopt a child from Uganda, but I would want to go serve there as well.

What Is A Challenge You Have Had To Face, And How Did You Overcome It?

  • I was persecuted for my faith in sports. But through lots of prayer and support from family and friends, I was able to witness to my volleyball team and get through it. Looking back my relationship with Christ was strengthened so much in that time. I would never want to go through it again, but it was a growing time where I relied on God’s love completely and had to rest completely in Him. Now, I am confident that no matter what I go through, God is with me and I can rely on him.

What Makes You Smile?

  • Everything. I smile really easily. To be honest, realizing how good God is and how much he has blessed me with makes me smile all the time. I love my family, playing volleyball, my dog, and KIDS. Another thing that lights me up is watching people wholeheartedly worship God. At school, we have an hour-long worship chapel on Sunday nights and it is so amazing seeing all of the people I go to school with, worshiping the God we serve at the same time. It is super powerful. One of my favorite things also is when little kids worship or talk about Jesus. I love a good sunrise too or nature in general.

What Have You Been Learning Recently?

  • I have been learning that my identity comes through Christ alone. I have had to rely on him more than I have ever had to before this semester and the change of moving to college. I learned that college, schoolwork, and friends can become overwhelming and how important it is to spend time in God’s word and prayer in order to balance it all. It is what brings me true peace.

Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?

  • My parents. They have shown me what true selflessness is. They have sacrificed so much in life in order to provide for my sisters and I. They also show me the love of Christ and paint a beautiful picture of how God loves the church through their marriage. They love each other so well. Overall, they have taught me the steps of how to lead a Godly life.

What Is Your Biggest Fear?

  • There are two levels. I am afraid of spiders. On a deeper level, I have a fear of failing and not being enough.

What Is Something You Couldn’t Live Without?

  • My family. They continually point me back to God and show me, unconditional love. There is also never a dull moment with my family, especially my sisters.

What Is Your Pet Peeve?

  • The sound of people chewing gum.

What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Mother?

  • The way she loves. She loves God, my dad, others, and us girls unconditionally. It is the truly the most beautiful thing. She shows it through selflessness and her willingness to give up her own comforts and desires in order to help others and show them that they are important. She is the one that everyone comes to for advice, prayer, comfort, encouragement, and a little yummy treat. She is just the best. I hope I can be half the woman that she is one day.

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