If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I love them. Also chocolate and peanut butter are always a good combination.
What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?
Don’t stress too hard about the future. A lot of times, your plans are not God’s plans. Ultimately His plans are the right way.
Do You Have Any Fun Family Traditions?
We get to open one present on Christmas Eve and to this day, it is always pajamas.
My Sisters and I stay up playing Monopoly on Christmas Eve.
Every Christmas morning, my mom makes cinnamon rolls.
Every time my mom drops one of us off, she says, “Make” and we respond “God look good.”
What Do You Loose Track of Time Doing?
Definitely when I’m hanging out and talking with friends.
Since 7th grade I have also had a love for movies, so watching or talking about a good movie is exciting to me.
What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?
I like when they are humorous and we can laugh.
It is important that our dialog works well together and we just enjoy having conversations.
I admire when someone is willing to try something new or adventure. They aren’t afraid to put themselves out there.
Someone who is teachable and eager to learn. I have watched a lot of movies, but is fun when someone hasn’t and I get the opportunity to teach them about it.
Overall just a nice and polite person.
What Is Your Favorite Book and Movie?
Book: 20,000 Things Under the Sea. I first read the kids version in 1st grade and then my parents gave me the full-length version in 3rd grade. It was the first serious book that I read. It is fun because it takes you on an adventure, making it hard to put down.
Movie: A suggestions from the Movie expert; Wyatt. Take Shelter by Jeff Nichols is a great film. It is a good look at the interworking of a psychological drama or thriller. If you need to borrow it, stop by Hart Hall.
What is Something That Makes You Swallow Your Pride or Humbles You?
There are just a lot of minor day-to-day things, but defiantly when a good friend calls me out on a way I may have made people feel.
If Money Was Not An Object, What Job Would You Choose?
I would be a film director. It would be awesome to have an amazing team that I get to lead. I would focus on human dramas, where common people are caught up in uncommon crimes.
What Is Something That You Have, That Has A Story Behind It?
Three years ago I visited Mexico on a Missions Trip. While we were building house, a young boy came and tied a ribbon on my wrist. It was the Coca-Cola label in Spanish, advertising someone is politics. I kept it on my wrist for three years until it fell off this summer at camp.
Who Is Someone You Respect And Admire?
My grandfather. We called him grandpa van, because he had a really big van. He was in the military and was the head of finance for all of NASA. He was just a god friend of mine. I would go to their house, just to hang out. He would never fail to make us a gigantic bowl of oatmeal with way to much sugar and brown sugar. He was just a great man. Watching him, I learned how to be a man and run a household. He is super handy, and can build or fix anything. He was a very intelligent man as well. He passed away, but I wish I could give him a general thanks for all the lessons he taught me. At the time I didn’t realize they were so important.
If You Could Wake Up Tomorrow And Gain A New Ability, What Would It Be?
The ability to control time, like the movie Click. How cool would it be to be just a little ahead of every one else? While everyone is still sleeping I would press pause and go for a run, watch a show, study, or just take it slow. Then when everyone else wakes up, I would already be ready to go.