If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?
‘Magic’ shell chocolate. It adds texture, yet it’s not overwhelming.
What Are You Learning Right Now?
I’m learning discipline. Whether that be spiritually or with my time. I’m able to pour so much more into ministries and friends, when I make sure to spend time with God.
I’m also learning about dating. Specifically, I’m working on handling myself well and communicating how I’m feeling. I want to be able to end a relationship gracefully, in a way that makes the other person feel respected.
What Advice Would You Give To Younger Self?
Don’t be afraid to do the things you have always wanted to do. You should start the things you want to do, instead of waiting for the “perfect” time.
If You Had $100, and You Had To Spend It On Yourself, How Would You Spend It?
I would buy a burnt orange beanie, light washed jeans and then go on a camping trip to Yosemite with friends.
What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?
It is important to me that he is a good communicator. I want to be able to talk through things and there be no mysteries about what he is feeling or thinking.
That he has a heart for ministry. My dream is to work together with my husband doing ministry, counseling couples, or starting a high school ministry.
One quality I admire is the ability to make anyone feel really comfortable. They know how to set the atmosphere of the room and make people feel know, relaxed and at ease.
I also look for a man who is kind and gentle. They don’t surprise you with an angry side (CHILL). You never have to walk on eggshells with them.
Do You Have Any Fun Family Traditions?
Our family just eats a lot of food
Something that is really awesome though is, my parents try to make Saturday their date day. They still enjoy each others company and intentionally go on dates after many years of marriage.
What Do You Lose Track of Time Doing?
Playing the piano, being outdoors, or being in a really good conversation with someone.
If Money Was Not An Object, What Job Would You Choose?
I would start a non- profit like Compassion international.
What Is Your Definition Of Success?
Obeying God and feeling like you are where you are supposed to be because God has called you there.
When Are You at Your Best?
Serving or investing in my small group girls.
What Skill Do You Want to Gain In The Next Year?
I really want to learn how to French braid. It is a skill every small group leader has right
Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?
Natalie Lambrisi. She was my high school small group leader and is now one of my mentors. She is the first person who has ever showed me that she wanted to invest in me. She just cares about me and what I have to say, no matter how ridiculous or lost I may sound at times. She has solid biblical wisdom and lives out such a Godly life. Her and her husband live within their means and demonstrate that materialistic success does not equal a full life.