How It All Began...
My aunt and Tom’s sister went to the same church and were friends. They were also in cahoots to set me up. They invited me over for lunch after church. Tom was there also. I hate being set-up, and I knew they were up to something. But Tom and I did talk a little bit and I found out he was in a band. Little did I know, he left that lunch thinking, “I’m going to marry that girl.” I ended up calling him later on with a few ideas on how he could connect with my brother who worked at a recording studio, but nothing really worked out. A few weeks later, Tom’s band was playing at Disney, and he invited me to go. My dad had just passed away though and it was not a proper time to attend the event. I sent him a note wishing him well though. A month had passed, and my brother was living with me at the time. He invited Tom to a bible study at the recording studio. The bible study was cancelled, so I invited Tom over to have dinner with us and the rest was history. He called me the next week and we were dating ever since. We knew around the second date that we wanted to get married, but never addressed it to each other. The dinner with my brother was in April and we were engaged in August.
What Do You Admire About Your Spouse?
He is the most thoughtful person I know. A few times when we were dating he would make me huge puzzles for me to put together that had a note written on them.
He knows me so well and can tell by the way I shut the door, the kind of day I have had.
He has a unique ability to study people and has become a student of me.
He always asks good questions.
He always puts me first.
He is a strong believer.
Advice To The Newly Married
Find someone you can laugh with. You never know what life has in store for you, but having someone to go through that with and to laugh along side you makes a huge difference.
Let your plans go.
Always care about the other person. Don’t take them for granted.
Keep dating even after you are married.
Once you have kid, it is easy to just focus on them and neglect your husband, but don’t. Always make your marriage a priority.
Advice To Singles
Be faithful where you are at and where God has placed you. Do what you are doing well.
Don’t compare the stage you are in to the stage of life your friends are in.
Don’t try to create or craft a relationship, in God’s timing it will come, and it will be natural.
Don’t miss out on where you are, because you are looking to where you want to be.