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Chris Middleton

If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?

  • Oreos. They are plain and classic, yet SO GOOD.

What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger College Self?

  • Focus more on investing in long-term relationships than on your academics. Academics are important, but the relationships you make will last forever. People are more important than getting an amazing grade on an assignment.

What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?

  • A Godly woman

  • I look for a woman who is focused on God and not absorbed in herself, so she can pour out to others.

  • Someone who I am attracted to

  • A girl with a good sense of humor. I want to be able to laugh at her, but for her to think I'm funny as well. Ultimately, I just want to have a good time together and enjoy spending time with each other.

  • It is important that she is a good conversationalist. I want to be able to talk about everything whether it is casual or really deep.

Who Is Someone You Really Respect and Why?

  • My roommate Josh Saucy. He is so authentic and fully embraces the man that he is. He doesn’t care about what others think of him, which allows him to be confident and love those around him well.

What Does Your Ideal Day Look Like?

  • I would wake up around 9:30-10 am. That way I am well rested but not feeling sluggish. Then I would read the Bible, chill, and go strait to Chick-fil-A with some buddies. After that we would go to the beach, play some spike ball, and hang out. Once we got back to campus, I would take a nice long shower and then take a solid hour nap. I would then get some introvert time in, watch some T.V., and then head to Mo’s for some yummy Mexican food. After dinner I would play some pick-up basketball or football with some guys. Then I would want to do something spontaneous with my friends. To end the night we would go on a late night food run and then just chill out.

At The End Of Your Life, How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

  • Passionate, impactful, but most of all loving. I want to be remembered as a man who loved his life, God, and others. I would like to leave a legacy by starting a impactful ministry that serves others and successfully impacts God’s kingdom.

What Do You Lose Track of Time Doing?

  • Watching college football, especially the Georgia Bulldogs

  • Deep talks with friends

  • Playing basketball and football

  • Playing board games or cards

  • Doing interactive activities with friends.

Do You Have Any Fun Family Traditions?

  • On the day after Thanksgiving we go and get our Christmas tree. While the ladies pick out the perfect tree, my brother and I play hide and seek in all the trees.

  • On Christmas Eve we go to the Melting Pot for dinner.

What Is Your Dream Job?

  • College football analyst

What Is Your Favorite Book and Movie?

  • Movie: The Prestige. It has a great cast and really makes you think. It is also one of those movies that gives you the Ah Ha moment at the end.

  • Book: Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It really challenged me in a lot of ways. Chan talks about how a lot of times we only give God just enough, instead of our all. It was convicting and challenged me to look at areas of my life where I am only giving God the minimum.

  • I also really enjoyed Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels. It gave me a lot of practical ways to grow as a Christian leader.

What Is Your Definition of Success?

  • Success to me would mean living in such a way that brings glory to God by focusing on others. I think that will bring me fulfillment and satisfaction, not worldly achievements.

What Is Something That Bugs You?

  • Athletic shorts that don’t have pockets.

What Is One Skill You Want To Gain In The Next Year?

  • I want to learn how to cook better.

If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For A Day, Who Would It Be?

  • LeBron James. I can’t even comprehend his level of athleticism. Plus I would get to play basketball all day and get paid for it.

  • The President is also a top choice. I would go and learn all the secret information and enjoy being treated specially for one day. It would not be so much about having all the power, but the experience.

If You Had $100 and You Had To Spend It On Yourself, How Would You Spend It?

  • I would buy tickets to a Justin Bieber or 21 Pilots concert. I would also buy tickets to a college football game at the LSU stadium.

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