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Silas Anselmo

If You Could Be Any Ice Cream Topping What Would You Be ?

  • I would be Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. They have been my favorite for as long as I can remember and there is something about chocolate and peanut butter in ice cream that I can’t say no to.

Who is Someone You Truly Admire and what Qualities Do You Admire?

  • There is a man I met my freshman year of high school at North Coast Fallbrook’s Summer Camp. He was one of our volunteer boat drivers on the lake. From the day I met him till now he has been one of my best friends. His name is Dave DeLauder. I admire so many things about this man from his relationship with the Lord, to his love for others, to how he treats his wife, to his work ethic and the list could go on forever. He has probably taught me more through how he lives than the words of wisdom he speaks. I now have the honor of co-leading the senior boys small group at the same youth group I was involved in along side him. I make it a point to see him as often as I can whether it be through surfing, camping, grabbing coffee, or even working for him on the weekends. David is a gift from God and I am forever grateful for him.

What Piece of Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

  • I would have told my 18 year old self to stay in the Word of God daily. Up until that point, I hadn’t had much experience with the real world since I was homeschooled in a Christian home. I had it good. I would get up every morning at 6 am, walk my dog 4 miles, come back and do a Bible study for about an hour before I started school. My relationship with God was great! But that being said, I didn't really have the world pulling me down at that time. The day after I graduated I went to work for a construction company, so now I’ve got good taste of what the real world is like and the struggle to stay in the Word and remain in prayer.

What is Something You Hope to Accomplish Before You Die?

  • Before I leave this world, the one thing I would love to accomplish is starting a family of my own. I want to raise my kids in the ways of the Lord so that they are able to reach others in whatever they do, ultimately advancing the Kingdom of God.

  • I would also like to travel a bit before I settle down whether it be alone or with a future spouse. Australia is on my bucket list of places to go.

Do You Have Any Fun Family Traditions?

  • Every year for the past 8 years, my dad, two brothers, uncle, and two cousins go on an all men’s fishing trip to the Sierras. We go up for a long weekend to fish, catch up with each other, play poker, and just be guys without having to worry about offending any ladies. All of us cherish this trip greatly and look forward to it every year.

What is Your Favorite Movie and Book?

  • Movie: Tomstone. Classic western film about bringing outlaws to justice and restoring order in the town.

  • Book: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I dream of living a simple life on a river by myself sometimes...

If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For a Day, Who Would It Be and Why?

  • I wouldn’t mind trading lives with Ringo Starr of the Beatles for a day back in 1964. I play the drums as well and playing for my favorite band would be incredible. Also I would have loved to meet John, Paul and George. It sure would have been A Day In The Life. (Pun intended)

What Do You Look For Most In a Spouse?

  • To this day, I have never dated anyone. I’m hoping to find someone in the near future who wants to get married, settle down, and have a family. I have a desire in me to love, protect, and provide for a wife and kids. I want to be with someone who is responsible, kind, forgiving (as I am far from perfect), has a sense if humor, is adventurous, loves the outdoors, and has motherly attributes. My political views are important to me as well, so I would want her to have similar views so that we don’t butt heads in that area.

What Have You Been Learning Recently?

  • I have been learning patience is the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Also God has been teaching me that having faith in Him requires obedience to Him, and obedience to God in certain areas of my life is extremely difficult. I want to obey Him, but my flesh will often get the best of me.

What is One Skill You Want to Gain In The Next Year?

  • I’m planning on moving to Idaho next spring, so I would like to acquire the skill of hunting. I love guns, my 2nd Amendment right, and fresh meat.

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