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Bailey Roberson

If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?

  • I would be Reece’s Peanut butter cups because I really love peanut butter.

What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?

  • Put yourself in uncomfortable positions. It is how you meet people and make friends. It is be hard at first, but so worth it in the end. You may feel awkward and uncomfortable, but the friendships and experiences you make will be so valuable in the long run.

What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?

  • A man who genuinely loves and seeks after God

  • Someone who is caring and loyal

  • A guy who is just super fun to be around and makes me laugh

  • Someone I enjoy spending time with

  • A man who is driven in all areas of life.

Who Is Someone You Really Respect ?

  • My grandpa. We are very similar and have a lot of the same interests. He works with special needs kids and I enjoy talking to him about his job and hearing his stories. He is also really funny. I also love the way he is always willing to take care of any of us grandkids. Furthermore, growing up he basically supported me at every single one of my softball games. He is incredible. He is also super dedicated to his family and it shows in the way he loves us all so well.

What Do You Lose Track of Time Doing?

  • Call me basic, but I really love being on the beach with a good book in my hand. I could sit there all day if it’s a good one.

  • I also really enjoy spending time with my grandparents because they live just right down the street from me.

  • Something else I enjoy is hanging out in the backyard around our fire pit with my friends, my sisters’ friends, and family. It is fun to all be together, talk, and play games.

  • In general, doing anything active like playing sports, hiking, etc. is fun for me.

If You Had $100 and You Had To Spend It On Yourself, How Would You Spend It?

  • I would go to the boutiques in San Clemente on Del Mar street and find a really cute new outfit.

What Makes You Feel The Most Loved?

  • When someone listens to me and understands how I’m feeling.

  • I also really love hugs.

If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For A Day, Who Would It Be?

  • The President. I want to know what the heck is being hidden from us. I also want to experience how it would feel to have that much authority.

If Money Was Not An Object, What Job Would You Choose?

  • Honestly, just being a mom would be the best job. I adore kids and think it will be so fun to have my own. I want to be able to fully invest in raising my children to be good kids, who love each other and love Jesus. I want to be there for them all the time and not have anything stopping me from that.

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