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If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?

  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I have yet to find a better creation than the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter in a cup on this earth.

What Advice Would You Give To Your Younger Self?

  • Don’t listen to every single person around you who tells you not to chase your dreams. I hesitated for a long time instead of just taking a chance. With a little motivation and a little pixie dust, you can make dreams come true.

What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?

  • First of all, she has to be a Christian.

  • Secondly, a girl who is very caring and nurturing.

  • Someone who is going to be a great mom.

  • A woman who is cool with silence.

  • Someone who is somewhat adventurous.

  • I have an appreciation for humor, so someone who makes me laugh.

  • She just can’t like tuna. It is my LEAST favorite food. There is just something fishy about a girl who loves seafood.

Who Is Someone You Really Respect and Why?

  • My college pastor and buddy Jeff Moors. I really admire the way he speaks about his family and the amount of time he takes to spend time with them. I also admire his ambition to chase goals and enjoy his life. Additionally, he never shies away from giving someone a compliment. Overall, he is very uplifting and chill dude.

What Do You Lose Track of Time Doing?

  • Writing music. Time seems to pass quickly when I write. It is a time for me to create new music, but also process my thoughts.

  • Sleeping. Time does seem to pass when I sleep.

If You Had $100 and You Had To Spend It On Yourself, How Would You Spend It?

  • I would buy some new classic blue vans, NxW vinyl album, and some cool socks. As a matter of fact, maybe just some cinnamon toast crunch.

If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For A Day, Who Would It Be?

  • I would trade lives with Foggieraw. He is a rapper, but also a good friend of mine. Everyone is always hitting him up and wants to be his friend. Furthermore, he has a lot of biblical knowledge, which makes him a pretty wise dude. I would want to experience traveling the country, doing a lot of shows, big artists hitting me up to work together, and everyone knowing who you are. He just has the life.

What are Some of the Most Important Things Your Parents Taught You?

  • My dad has taught me how to value money in a healthy way. He taught me how to not make it an idol, but to be a good steward of it, in order to take care of a family.

  • He also taught me how to work on cars, which has saved me some money.

  • My mom has taught me a lot about confidence. She always pushed us, kids, to be confident in our Identity in God and encouraged us in the fact that we have our whole life ahead of us. My momma is a pretty cool woman.

If You Could Wake Up Tomorrow And Gain A New Ability, What Would It Be?

  • I wish I could actually sing and sound like Anderson .Paak. He has this really cool raspy voice and is very playful in his music. On the low key, being able to sing is way cooler than rapping.

Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?

  • Chandler Prazak and Sabrina Enns. They are two people who invested in me when I greatly needed it. They not only brought me to Christ but also continued to show me how to live it out. I very often fell short and didn’t have a lot of role models, but they both confronted me graciously and corrected me when I needed it. Basically, they never gave up on me

What Makes You Feel The Most Loved?

  • When people take the time to understand me. If someone notices the words you are saying and asks further questions, instead of just giving a generic response, it shows that they genuinely care.

  • If someone notices and thanks me for something I did for them. I love when people appreciate the things I do. On the other hand, when good deeds go unnoticed for a long period of time, it is just a terrible feeling.

If Money Was Not An Object, What Job Would You Choose?

  • I would try to play in a rock band. They seem to always have so much fun.

If You Were To Teach Something, What Would You Teach?

  • I would teach English. I love breaking down how people speak, and teaching them how to talk good, you know what I am saying (Joking).

When You Think Of The Word Successful, Who Is The First Person That Comes To Mind?

  • Kendrick Lamar. He is the biggest rapper out right now and currently my standard of success in the rapping world. I often compare myself to him and where he was at my age. This shows me in what areas I need to be pushing harder and working more.

What Is One Thing You Love and One Thing You Hate?

  • I hate when waiters fill up my glass before I have finished all my water. I think about the water at the bottom and it just makes me think way too long. It’s dumb, but it annoys me.

  • I love when friends try to show me artists who they think I haven’t heard. I appreciate them trying to show me new music.

What Is Your Favorite Movie and book?

  • Book: The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck. Every time I read it, I learn something new. The most impactful part is the first page. It says, “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”

  • Movie: The Sandlot. I always loved that movie growing up, plus baseball is my favorite thing on the planet. I really wanted to be Yeah Yeah.


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