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Ingrid Prichard

If You Could Be Any Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?

  • Caramel. I think it goes well will anything beside fruity things. I like to be with people and caramel is always paired with something else.

What Piece Of Advice Would You Give To Your Freshmen Self?

  • Go in knowing that nothing is going to go as planned and that is so good. You are not the best author, God is. He is so much more capable of writing your story than you are.

What Are A Few Fun Things Your Family Does?

  • At Christmas we hide an ornament that looks like a pickle and the first person that finds it gets to open the first present on Christmas Eve. The ornament is the same exact color as the tree so its actually kind of hard.

  • Every summer we spend together in Michigan at place called Maranatha. We all work with kids and spend time at the beach, on the boat, and with each other. We went through the programs as kids and now we give back as staff. It has made a full circle and it is the best.

What Qualities Do You Look For In A Spouse?

  • Someone who loves God first, because that is the only way he can love me well. I would like him to be a spiritual leader.

  • A humble leader that leads with confidence

  • Someone who is observant

  • A man who doesn’t take himself to seriously so we can laugh and have a good time no matter what we are doing.

  • Very compassionate and giving

  • Athletic. I am competitive and want to be able to do the active things I love to do with him.

  • Loves kids and is good with them

What Is Your Favorite Movie And Book?

  • Movie: The Little Mermaid. I have always wanted to be a mermaid.

  • Book: Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. It challenges you in busy times to be in the moment and invest in relationships, instead of trying to be perfect and check things off your checklist.

Who Would You Choose To Trade Lives With For A Day?

  • Esther from the bible on the day she decided to stand up for her people. I think it would be so cool to experience a call to courage that has now played such a role to who we are. I would want to know what that type of bravery feels like.

What Do You Loose Track Of Time Doing?

  • Anytime I am hanging out with friends whether we are doing something super fun or nothing at all.

  • I also really enjoy when I have time to pleasure read.

  • Some of my favorite things to do are play volleyball, go to the beach, and slalom water ski.

  • Something I really enjoy is listening to what people are passionate about. I love to encourage and affirm them and see their face light up.

  • Also, I love to going to cute places, like coffee shops, with someone and hearing about what God is doing in their life.

If Money Was No Object, What Career Would You Choose?

  • If I could handle the stress, I would want to be a spy. It would be so cool to travel the world and get intel and help to literally save parts of humanity.

Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?

  • My mom. She is so wise and knows scripture very well. Her prayer life with the Lord is so intimate and it is inspiring to see that. Also, she is one of the strongest women I know. She works hard in all that she does, putting her whole heart into it, doing it well, and for the glory of God.

What Is Something That Instantly Makes You Angry?

  • Bullies. It makes me so mad when people feel the need to put others down in order to build themselves up.

What Is Your Least Favorite Food?

  • Cold cut sandwiches disgust me. They are just sooooo nasty.

Is There Something You Have Dreamed Of Doing For A Long Time?

  • Taking a few months to traveling with all of my close friends. It would be a time with no commitments or worries about money, a job, and the future. I would want to go everywhere we could and anywhere we wanted.

What Is One Thing You Want To Improve Next Year?

  • I really want to work on having a stronger and more disciplined prayer life. I don’t want it to just be a thing I do before I eat or go to sleep, but a daily thing where I surrender everything to God and seek his wisdom in all moments. Eventually that will turn from a discipline to a desire and a delight. By praying continuously, it is a humble reminder to let go and let God.

What Is A Quote That You Have Lived By This Year?

  • Be still and know that I am God. I struggle to rest and trust God, but this verse grounds me and reminds me that nothing else matters but God and His will for my life. In the midst of all stress and anxieties it helps me to stop and be reminded that He loves me, He is sovereign, and so faithful.

What Does Your Ideal Day Look Like?

  • A sunny, summer day in Michigan. I would spend the entire day on the boat and on the beach. It would be spent with family and friends. We would water ski, tube, or just float on the water listening to good music. To eat I would choose to go to a place where you dock your boat and eat on the water. I would finish the day off by watching the sunset, the perfect ending to the perfect day.

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