If You Were To Be An Ice Cream Topping, What Would You Be?
Sour Gummy worms. They are sweet, not mainstream, and different.
What Qualities Do You Look For In a Spouse?
Someone I am attracted to.
A girl that can understand and go along with my humor.
An innocent or Meta personality type.
An added bonus would be if they could cook up so good food.
Do You Have Any Fun Family Traditions?
We do a family vacation once a year. We have been to Europe, Mexico, San Francisco, and this year we are going to Kansas City.
What Do You Lose Track of Time Doing?
Watching YouTube videos. It varies from hockey highlight, critiquing you tubers, vine compilations, and movie trailers.
If You Had $100 and You Had To Spend It On Yourself, How Would You Spend It?
I would buy some cool Jackets from thrift stores. Thrift stores are cheap and a lot of cool and unique stuff. It is always satisfying when you get a good find.
If You Could Trade Lives With Anyone For A Day, Who Would It Be?
Teemu Selanne. He used to play for the Ducks and scored what I think may be the most important goal in Ducks history. The goal led them to the Stanley Cup.
I would want to live the moment of scoring that goal and then later on holding the Stanley Cup in front of fans.
If You Could Wake Up Tomorrow And Gain A New Ability, What Would It Be?
The ability to play electric guitar. I would love to be in an alternative rock/punk rock band.
Who Has Had The Biggest Impact On Your Life?
My mom and dad in terms of what values and mannerisms they taught me. They taught me to be on time and to also turn things in on time.
My dad taught me how to save money and be frugal with what you choose to spend your money on.
What Makes You Feel The Most Loved?
When people affirm me by intentionally asking questions.
What Is The Best Meal You Have Ever Had?
My uncle hunted an elk and cooked the meat for us. He filled the meat with mushrooms and cream cheese. It was probably the best thing I have ever tasted.
If Money Was Not An Object, What Job Would You Choose?
I would be a World War 2 History professor. Or a history teacher in general. I love history and find it interesting and fun.
What Is Your Definition Of Success?
Being able to own your own house and car with no debt.
Also holding a steady job, so you can provide for your family.
If You Could Own A Small Business, What Would It Be?
I would own a small, but high-end restaurant that served up some good Italian food. An ideal location would be in Newport Beach or Downtown Manhattan. It would be fun to be the type of owner who walked around the restaurant and talked to customers.
What Is One Of Your Pet Peeves?
When parents do not control their children. For instance, if a child is running loose and runs into, and the parents say nothing, it drives me crazy. I think it is important to have well- behaved children.
The word Lit or mainstream lingo that not used in a joking manner also annoys me.
What Is Your Favorite Movie and Book?
Book: War of the Worlds. By H. G Wells. Classic science fiction. One of the first books I ever read on my own. I love stories of earth getting invaded and seeing the struggle of humanity.
Movie: Interstellar. I think it was the first movies that had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I will never have that incredible sensation again.
What Is Your In-N-Out Order?
Two In-n-out hamburgers with no onions and occasionally a chocolate shake.